At White Pine Creative, we offer a wide range of videography services. Our services include: promotional, commercial, documentary, event, and information type pieces. At WPC we take pride in our work and value the smile from our clients when we complete a project. We use state of the art equipment to produce some of the most compelling pieces on the market. From arial footage using drones to simple interviews, we make sure each shot counts and that they are elegantly composed.
Filming and editing is our passion. Let us make your video your passion too! Feel free to check out our video page to see some of our latest content for our clients. If you are interested in having a video for your business or event, don’t hesitate to contact us via phone or email.
The right tools for the job.

While primarily being in the video industry, White Pine Creative has evolved over the years to provide another area of operations for our clients. WPC works with many different platforms and content management systems to deliver the best and most engaging websites for todays technology whether it is desktop, mobile, tablet, or multi-platform. WPC allows clients to pick and choose which platforms they want to use (with our guided recommendations) and then manages and overseas the development of the site. We build custom sites like basic HTML and CSS or using a CMS like WordPress and Joomla. Need an e-commerce site that you need to manage? We’ve got you covered there too! Our developers will deliver a high-end sight that is shopping cart ready with all of the available features and functions you would expect to find.
Like videography and photography, design has always been one of our passions. Design is a big part of the all-inclusive services that we offer to our clients. Naturally a lot of design and work goes into building a website but WPC also offers much more than this. We can help you and your business get on its feet with the competitive edge and the much needed tools of branding your business “awesomely” before your customers. It is no doubt that the design of logos and websites has shifted dramatically in the past ten years to a new-school kind of look, implementing a simplistic design yet highly eye catching. WPC is on board with that incase you missed the boat, and we can take your company to the next level of design. We create media optimized for both the web and print for our clients and have many designs that both the client and White Pine Creative are proud of.
SEO and marketing are some of the hardest beasts to master in the internet realm. As of September 2014, there are over one billion websites! There is a lot of competition out there and lot of sea to get lost in for any website trying to compete for a search engines top pages. Good news for you however, we are here to help every click of the way. White Pine Creative realizes that no matter how difficult or ambiguous SEO may be, at the end of the day it is still a science that can be mastered. There are obvious do’s and don’ts of SEO and there are those other techniques that only work if certain pieces are in play. WPC knows which levers to pull and when to pull them to get those pieces of the puzzle to come together to have you ranking highly on the web. Our SEO and marketing knowledge, along with website development will work hand in hand to assure you all the traffic you can handle.