Huge Cyber Monday Deal on Websites! Regularly $749, now $499! Limited amount only. Release your inner nerd and nab up the deal!
Whats included:
* Click the ” ” to expand.
What is a one page dynamic website?
A single page website is one that contains all of the information that multipage website would have, but is contained to one single page. Dynamic one page websites also have a menu that looks and feels like a multipage site. The single-page is the home page, but also can include an about section, services, contact us and much more. Here is an example of one we built: http://heinsmanlawgroup.com/
Our sites are competive and edgy giving you that new and updated look you need to represent your business on the web. Our websites come packaged and ready for desktop, tablet and phone to give your users the best expirence visitng your site.
What are the advantages of a single-page site?
- Lower initial cost
- Lower maintenance fees
- Completed sooner
- Great for small business
- Great for clients that need an upgraded website
- Multipage available after completion
- Great for companies that have no website at all
Branding is an important part of business that must not be forgotten. Whether your business’ image is poor, you are looking to revamp or starting from scratch we are here to help along the way. We can make simple logos that rock and portray your companies image the way you see it.
Need a logo that really stands out? Include that in your message below and we will assign a designer specifically to you.
*Logos that take an extra amount of care and precision are not included in the deal but generally cost an average of $100 per logo depending complexity.
Email is also another important key factor for branding. Many companies set up separate hotmail, gmail, or yahoo accounts to manage their correspondence with clients, vendors etc. An example of this type of email would be “CareSales@gmail.com”. We get our users a proprietary email address that is directly linked to their primary domain name for their website. For example, if your domain name is CarSales.com, then your email could be info@CarSales.com or John@CarSales.com. This is important for branding as it reinforces your business name to your customers everywhere. It also sets you apart from the amateurs.
What else comes with the email?
The email is actually just a glorified Gmail account that costs $5.00 a user per month. This is nearly a priceless service to have in regards to todays technology as it comes with many tools and features to improve your SEO.
Youtube, Google My Business, Maps, Analytics, Adwords, Cloud Storage and much more will be tied with the primary email address. You will be able to control how viewers see and find you in a google search!
There is a right way to do social media and there is a wrong way. You would be surprised how many people get this wrong! After completion of the website, WPC focuses energy on your social media, insuring that clients have all of the pieces of the puzzle connected and in some instances, replacing some pieces if needed. We will also secure custom social media URL’s for clients so customers can find them easier. Social media is a bigger piece to the puzzle than you may think, so let White Pine Creative help!
What is SEO?
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine.
What will we do for you?
WPC will do all of your key word research and other SEO techniques for you and implement those into your site. The sea of websites is vast and always expanding, and it is very easy for your site to get lost in that sea and never be found. Good news for you however, we are here to help every click of the way. White Pine Creative realizes that no matter how difficult or ambiguous SEO maybe, at the end of the day it is still a science that can be mastered. There are obvious do’s and don’ts of SEO and there are those other techniques that only work if certain pieces are in play. WPC knows which levers to pull to get those pieces of the puzzle to come together to have you ranking highly on the web. Our SEO and marketing knowledge, along with website development will work hand in hand to assure you all the traffic you can handle.
White Pine Creative will only receive $499.00 for our labor and time to build the site. However, there are other associated costs that the client must cover. These are listed below:
- Hosting: $120.00 (Annual)
- Email: $60.00 (Annual)
- Website Theme: $62.00
- Domain Name: $10.00 (Average) (Annual)
These are normal and annual operating expenses that every website faces. You can’t escape it. For this reason, Hosting, Email, and the Domain Name purchase is set up in the clients name with the clients preferred method of payment. This is done for the obvious reason that WPC cannot make these payments for our clients annually.
Upon building the website, a client will have no more than 1 month to help WPC complete the site. The responsibility falls upon the client to provide detailed information of the business and any media/photos that should be displayed in the website. After the one month period is up, clients will be charged at rate of $35.00/hour to work on the site. It is important to give WPC all of the content needed. For any unseen circumstances the website is not completed by one month on both the clients part and/or WPC, there is usually a grace period to help get the site done. WPC does not want to profiter off our clients, we just would like the site to be done in a timely manner and not continue for longer than we think is necessary.
For the first six months WPC will provide tips and customer service to our clients insuring that by the time the 6 months are up, the client will fill comfortable enough taking full control of their site. If the client would wish to keep WPC as the primary web developer after the six month period, they can do so for $35.00/hr.
Five months after completion, the client is free to make minor changes (for free) within reason. Complete overhauls and major changes cost $35.00/hr.
To purchase this deal, simply fill out the form below, email, or give us call. A web admin and designer will be assigned to you to start transforming your business’ online appearance!
Contact info
- (385) 240-0443
- info@whitepinecreative.com